Created on July 1st, 2020 at the initiative of the Coopérative de Distribution des Quotidiens (daily newspaper distribution cooperative), France Messagerie is a press distribution company approved by Arcep.

Based in Paris (head office) and Bobigny (operating site), France Messagerie’s teams ensure the daily distribution of magazines and all national daily newspapers to 20,000 newsagents in France and abroad.
A unique expertise
France Messagerie has a unique expertise: in addition to the distribution of magazines and non-press products – such as encyclopaedias for example – it is the only company that distributes national daily newspapers in France. The teams work 7 days a week, 364 days a year* and at night.
It is this very expertise that enables the distribution of the press, every day of the year, throughout the country.
*May 1st is the only day of the year when newspapers are not distributed.
France Messagerie has an international ambition with expertise in launching new titles and developing your current distribution in France and abroad.
France Messagerie is active on 3 fronts thanks to its dedicated teams and its experience and knowledge at the international level (advice on copy management, pricing, sales analysis):
- France Messagerie Export to export French press abroad (dailies, magazines and collectibles) to 50 markets in partnership with a loyal network of press distributors
- New CCEI to import and to distribute Foreign press throughout France. We are the leading player in the distribution of Foreign printed press in France with more than 500 titles.
- For more than 20 years, New Export Press exports more than 250 luxury magazines in 60 different countries across the world in partnership with 100 distributors. Publishers of all around the world entrust us with the export of their titles for the quality and diversity of our specialized networks. Export Press adapts to your needs and offers a tailor-made service to build a unique positioning for your title. The logistics hub is based on 2 warehouses, one in France and one in the UK, ensuring flexibility for the publisher.
Key figures
experienced and skilled people committed to press distribution in France
newsagents served throughout the country 7 days a week
copies of magazines and daily newspapers delivered every day

The commercial teams
They support publishers in the promotion and development of their titles.
The account managers are the dedicated contacts for publishers: publishers of daily newspapers, magazines, non-press titles – such as encyclopaedias – or even import titles.
They organise the distribution of the titles entrusted to them.
To meet their customers’ requirements in terms of number of items, deadlines and prices, the account managers use the full potential of France Messagerie’s distribution tools. They advise on the numbers to be distributed and on the types of shops to be targeted according to the title’s characteristics and the publisher’s objectives.

The logistics teams
They manage the physical, informational and financial flows, the planning and distribution of magazines, daily newspapers and encyclopaedias. This unique expertise enables the 20,000 newsagents in France to be delivered before 7am every morning.
The Bobigny site handles the preparation and shipment of national dailies to regional distribution centres 7 days a week. It also prepares orders for export, restocking and import activities. The multi product treatment site prepares and ships publications to regional distribution centres.
The network relationship managers support the depositaries on a daily basis in their tasks of managing outgoing and return flows.

The information systems teams
They work every day to provide publishers, depositaries and newsagents with data relating to the logistical, informational and financial flows of distribution.
They develop and maintain a complete information system and indicator statements for all stakeholders in the press distribution sector.
Web portal for retailers, Pressmine, SP3+ and Sprint are all tools that can be accessed via a simple connection to the EspacePro and used on a daily basis by all the parties involved in the industry.

The finance teams
They manage all financial flows between publishers and regional depositaries.
As an approved press distribution company, France Messagerie has an obligation to act as del credere. It guarantees the payment of sales of titles made through depositaries and distributors.
To secure the sums due to publishers, France Messagerie has set up a trust. The sums due to publishers are paid into an account created for this purpose and administered by a certified trustee. Nicknamed the “Queen of Security” by the business world, it is the most effective mechanism in terms of security.

A company committed to journalists
France Messagerie is committed to Reporters Sans Frontières by providing free distribution of the three annual issues with a print-run of over 80,000 copies.
France Messagerie’s governance
France Messagerie is a simplified joint stock company.
Its sole shareholder is the Coopérative de Distribution des Quotidiens (CDQ).
A strategic committee determines the direction of France Messagerie’s activities and oversees their implementation.
It is made up of representatives of the daily press and magazine groups that have signed a grouping contract with France Messagerie through a cooperative press grouping company.
France Messagerie’s chairman is appointed for three years from among the representatives of the daily press groups. The chairman of France Messagerie is Louis Dreyfus, CEO of Le Monde Group.
An executive committee ensures the operational implementation of the company’s strategy.
The Executive Committee

Chief Executive Officer
Eric Matton
In 2015, he joined Groupe L’Équipe, where he serves as Publisher and Director of the Print Media Division (L’Équipe quotidien, Le Magazine, France Football, Vélo Magazine).
He is also a director of France Messagerie and a director and treasurer of the Syndicat de la presse quotidienne (SPQN).
Commercial Director
Christophe Chantrel

En 1999 il intègre Bayard en tant que chef des ventes avec une équipe de 8 commerciaux terrain.
De 2001 à 2017, au sein de la direction des ventes du journal Le Monde, il occupe différents postes dont celui de responsable des ventes France et international.
Il rejoint Mondadori en 2017 en tant que directeur des ventes, puis Reworld Media en 2019 au même poste.
Christophe est diplômé de l’ESC Compiègne.
Logistics Director
Stéphane Salazar

Il rejoint le Groupe Presstalis en décembre 2014 en qualité de Directeur de la Société d’Agences et de Diffusion (SAD). En 2017, il devient directeur de la Supply Chain du Groupe. En avril 2020, il est nommé Directeur Logistique et intègre le comité exécutif. En juillet 2020, il est nommé Directeur Logistique de France Messagerie.
Stéphane est diplômé de l’IPAG Nice.
Information Systems Director
Martine Bolâtre

Nommée en janvier 2020 à la tête de la DSI de Presstalis, Martine Bolâtre prend la direction des systèmes d’information de France Messagerie à la création de l’entreprise.
Martine est diplômée de l’INSA de Lyon
Financial Director
Thomas Liébel

En 2000 il rejoint France Loisirs en tant que Chef de Projet SAP Finance.
Il intègre en 2001 le Groupe Geodis en qualité de Contrôleur de Gestion opérationnel ; en 2008 il devient Directeur Administratif et Financier de Geodis Logistique France. En 2014 il est nommé Directeur du Contrôle de Gestion et de l’Audit de Fret SNCF. Il a rejoint France Messagerie en novembre 2020 pour prendre la direction financière.
Thomas est titulaire d’un Master 2 de Finance d’entreprise de Paris Dauphine.
Legal Director
Lorraine Bouziat Appert

Elle rejoint en 2016 le Groupe CEVA Logistics en tant que Directrice Juridique, Risk Management et Compliance. Elle devient en 2018 Directrice Juridique et Ressources Humaines. En septembre 2020, elle rejoint France Messagerie en tant que directrice juridique.
Lorraine est diplômée d’une Maîtrise en droit des affaires à la Sorbonne et d’un Master 2 en droit international des transports de l’Institut du Droit International des Transports.
Human Resources Director
Mary Redlinger

Mary est titulaire d’un DESS en Droit social et relations professionnelles. Elle est également diplômée d’un M2 de l’IGS en management et développement des ressources humaines et titulaire d’un M2 en communication et médiation.